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Autodesk inventor 2017 and engineering graphics an integrated approach pdf free

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Autodesk inventor 2017 and engineering graphics an integrated approach pdf free. and Engineering Graphics

  This text takes a hands-on, exercise-intensive approach to all the important concepts of Engineering Graphics, as well as in-depth discussions. SOLIDWORKS and Engineering Graphics An Integrated Approach An Introduction to Autodesk Inventor and AutoCAD Randy H. Shih SDC.  

Beyond the Paper.Autodesk Inventor and Engineering Graphics, Book - SDC Publications

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Autodesk inventor 2017 and engineering graphics an integrated approach pdf free.CAD data exchange


The T-square is more typically used as a tool to hold other tools such as triangles. For example, one or more triangles can be placed on the T-square and lines can be drawn at chosen angles on the paper.

In addition to the triangles, other tools are used to draw curves and circles. Primary among these are the compass, used for drawing simple arcs and circles, and the French curve, typically a piece of plastic with a complex curve on it. A spline is a rubber coated articulated metal that can be manually bent to almost any curve. This basic drafting system requires an accurate table and constant attention to the positioning of the tools.

A common error draftspersons faced was allowing the triangles to push the top of the T-square down slightly, thereby throwing off all angles. Drafting in general was already a time consuming process. These machines often included the ability to change the angle, thereby removing the need for the triangles as well. In addition to the mechanics of drawing the lines onto a piece of paper, drafting requires an understanding of geometry and the professional skills of the specific designer.

At one time, drafting was a sought-after job, considered one of the more demanding and highly- skilled positions of the trade. Today, the mechanics of the drafting task have been largely automated and greatly accelerated through the use of computer aided design CAD systems.

Proficiency in using CAD systems has also become one of the more important requirements for engineers and designers. This includes the generation of computer models, analysis of design data and the creation of necessary drawings.

The Autodesk Inventor software is a tool that can be used for design and drafting activities. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional models created in Autodesk Inventor can be transferred to other computer programs for further analysis and testing. The computer models can also be used in manufacturing equipment such as machining centers, lathes, mills or rapid prototyping machines to manufacture the product.

Rapid changes in the field of computer aided engineering CAE have brought exciting advances to the industry. Recent advances have made the long-sought goal of reducing design time, producing prototypes faster, and achieving higher product quality closer to a reality.

Computer-modeling technology has advanced along with the development of computer hardware. The first generation CAD programs, developed in the s, were mostly non-interactive; CAD users were required to create program- codes to generate the desired two-dimensional 2D geometric shapes.

Initially, the development of CAD technology occurred mostly in academic research facilities. Usage of CAD systems was primarily in the automotive industry, aerospace industry, and government agencies that developed their own programs for their specific needs. The s also marked the beginning of the development of finite element analysis methods for computer stress analysis and computer aided manufacturing for generating machine tool paths.

With the improvement in computing power, new types of 3D CAD programs that were user-friendly and interactive became reality. CAD technology quickly expanded from very simple computer aided drafting to very complex computer aided design. The use of 2D and 3D wireframe modelers was accepted as the leading edge technology that could increase productivity in industry. The developments of surface modeling and solid modeling technologies were taking shape by the late s, but the high cost of computer hardware and programming slowed the development of such technology.

During this period, the available CAD systems all required room-sized mainframe computers that were extremely expensive. In the s, improvements in computer hardware brought the power of mainframes to the desktop at less cost and with more accessibility to the general public. It was during this period of time that 3D solid modeling technology had major advancements, which boosted the usage of CAE technology in industry.

CAD technology has come a long way, and during these years of development, modeling schemes progressed from two-dimensional 2D wireframe to three-dimensional 3D wireframe, to surface modeling, to solid modeling and, finally, to feature-based parametric solid modeling. The first generation CAD packages were simply 2D computer aided drafting programs, basically the electronic equivalents of the drafting board.

For typical models, the use of this type of program would require that several views of the objects be created individually as they would be on the drafting board. Mental translations of 3D objects to 2D views are required throughout the use of these packages.

Although such systems have some advantages over traditional board drafting, they are still tedious and labor intensive. The need for the development of 3D modelers came quite naturally, given the limitations of the 2D drafting packages. The development of three-dimensional modeling schemes started with three-dimensional 3D wireframes. Wireframe models are models consisting of points and edges, which are straight lines connecting between appropriate points.

The edges of wireframe models are used, similar to lines in 2D drawings, to represent transitions of surfaces and features. The use of lines and points is also a very economical way to represent 3D designs. Introduction The development of the 3D wireframe modeler was a major leap in the area of computer geometric modeling. The computer database in the 3D wireframe modeler contains the locations of all the points in space coordinates, and it is typically sufficient to create just one model rather than multiple views of the same model.

This single 3D model can then be viewed from any direction as needed. In comparison to other types of 3D modelers, the 3D wireframe modelers require very little computing power and generally can be used to achieve reasonably good representations of 3D models.

However, because surface definition is not part of a wireframe model, all wireframe images have the inherent problem of ambiguity. Two examples of such ambiguity are illustrated. Wireframe Ambiguity: Which comer is in front, A or B? A non-realizable object: Wireframe models contain no surface definitions. Designers are still required to interactively examine surface models to ensure that the various surfaces on a model are contiguous throughout. Many of the concepts used in 3D wireframe and surface modelers are incorporated in the solid modeling scheme, but it is solid modeling that offers the most advantages as a design tool.

In the solid modeling presentation scheme, the solid definitions include nodes, edges, and surfaces, and it is a complete and unambiguous mathematical representation of a precisely enclosed and filled volume. Unlike the surface modeling method, solid modelers start with a solid or use topology rules to guarantee that all of the surfaces are stitched together properly. Two predominant methods for representing solid models are constructive solid geometry CSG representation and boundary representation rep.

The CSG representation method can be defined as the combination of 3D solid primitives. Most solid modelers also allow the user to define additional primitives, which are shapes typically formed by the basic shapes. The underlying concept of the CSG representation method is very straightforward; we simply add or subtract one primitive from another. In the B-rep representation method, objects are represented in terms of their spatial boundaries. The object is then made up of the unions of these surfaces that completely and precisely enclose a volume.

By the s, a new paradigm called concurrent engineering had emerged. With concurrent engineering, designers, design engineers, analysts, manufacturing engineers, and management engineers all work together closely right from the initial stages of the design. In this way, all aspects of the design can be evaluated and any potential problems can be identified right from the start and throughout the design process.

Using the principles of concurrent engineering, a new type of computer modeling technique appeared. The technique is known as the feature-based parametric modeling technique. The key advantage of the feature-based parametric modeling technique is its capability to produce very flexible designs. Changes can be made easily and design alternatives can be evaluated with minimum effort. Various software packages offer different approaches to feature-based parametric modeling, yet the end result is a flexible design defined by its design variables and parametric features.

Introduction Feature-Based Parametric Modeling One of the key elements in the Autodesk Inventor solid modeling software is its use of the feature-based parametric modeling technique. The feature-based parametric modeling approach has elevated solid modeling technology to the level of a very powerful design tool.

Parametric modeling automates the design and revision procedures by the use of parametric features. Parametric features control the model geometry by the use of design variables.

The word parametric means that the geometric definitions of the design, such as dimensions, can be varied at any time during the design process. Features are predefined parts or construction tools for which users define the key parameters. The concept of parametric features makes modeling more closely match the actual design-manufacturing process than the mathematics of a solid modeling program.

In parametric modeling, models and drawings are updated automatically when the design is refined. One of the key features of Autodesk Inventor is the use of an assembly-centric paradigm, which enables users to concentrate on the design without depending on the associated parameters or constraints. This unique approach is known as the Direct Adaptive Assembly approach, which defines part relationships directly with no order dependency.

The Adaptive Assembly approach is a unique design methodology that can only be found in Autodesk Inventor. The goal of this methodology is to improve the design process and allows you, the designer, to Design the Way You Think.

In this text, the main concentration is placed on the solid modeling modules used for part design. The general procedures required in creating solid models, engineering drawings, and assemblies are illustrated. How to start Autodesk Inventor depends on the type of workstation and the particular software configuration you are using. With most Windows systems, you may select Autodesk Inventor on the Start menu or select the Autodesk Inventor icon on the desktop.

Consult your instructor or technical support personnel if you have difficulty starting the software. The program takes a while to load, so be patient.

If your system has been customized for other uses, contact your technical support personnel to restore the default software configuration. You are encouraged to browse through the general introduction available in the Videos and Tutorials section. We will use the English feet and inches setting for this example.

Select the New icon with a single click of the left- mouse-button in the Launch toolbar. Note that the New option allows us to start a new modeling task, which can be creating a new model or several other modeling tasks. Note the default tab contains the file options which are based on the default units chosen during installation. The different icons are templates for the different modeling tasks. The idw file type stands for drawing file, the iam file type stands for assembly file, and the ipt file type stands for part file.

The ipn file type stands for assembly presentation. Click Create in the Create New File dialog box to accept the selected settings. Introduction The Default Autodesk Inventor Screen Layout The default Autodesk Inventor drawing screen contains the pull-down menus, the Standard toolbar, the Features toolbar, the Sketch toolbar, the drawing area, the browser area, and the Status Bar.

A line of quick text appears next to the icon as you move the mouse cursor over different icons. You may resize the Autodesk Inventor drawing window by clicking and dragging the edges of the window, or relocate the window by clicking and dragging the window title area. The Ribbon provides a compact palette of all of the tools necessary to accomplish the different modeling tasks.

The drop-down arrow next to any icon indicates additional commands are available on the expanded panel; access the expanded panel by clicking on the drop-down arrow. The File menu at the upper left comer of the main window contains tools for all file-related operations, such as Open, Save, Export, etc.

Quick Access Toolbar. Closed profiles create solids or surfaces. Open profiles create surfaces. Shape Plane a x Generator Explore Work Features Pattern The Ribbon is composed of a series of tool panels, which are organized into tabs labeled by task. The assortments of tool panels can be accessed by clicking on the tabs. The Online Help system provides general help information, such as command options and command references.

This area also displays information pertinent to the active operation. For example, in the figure above, the coordinates and length information of a line are displayed while the Line command is activated. In learning Autodesk Inventor's interactive environment, it is important to understand the basic functions of the mouse buttons. It is highly recommended that you use a mouse or a tablet with Autodesk Inventor since the package uses the buttons for various functions.

One click of the button is used to select icons, menus and form entries, and to pick graphic items. The software also utilizes the right mouse button the same as the ENTER key, and is often used to accept the default setting to a prompt or to end a process. The [Esc] key is located near the top-left comer of the keyboard. Sometimes, it may be necessary to press the [Esc] key twice to cancel a command; it depends on where we are in the command sequence.

For some commands, the [Esc] key is used to exit the command. Autodesk Inventor provides many help functions, such as: Use the Help button near the upper right comer of the Inventor window. Data management becomes critical for projects involving complex designs, especially when multiple team members are involved, or when we are working on integrating multiple design projects, or when it is necessary to share files among the design projects.

Autodesk Inventor provides a fairly flexible data management system. It allows one person to use the basic option to help manage the locations of the different design files, or a team of designers can use the data management system to manage their projects stored on a networked computer system. The Autodesk Inventor data management system organizes files based on projects. Each project is identified with a main folder that can contain files and folders associated to the design.

In Autodesk Inventor, a project file. The Autodesk Vault project is more suitable for projects requiring multiple users using a networked computer system. Click on the Get Started tab, with the left-mouse- button, in the Ribbon toolbar. Note the Get Started tab is the default panel displayed during startup. Note that several options are available to access the Editor, it can also be accessed through the Open file command.

The Default project is automatically active by default, and the default project does not define any location for files. In other words, the data management system is not used. Using the default project, designs can still be created and modified, and any model file can be opened and saved anywhere without regard to project and file management. Setup of a New Inventor Project In this section, we will create a new Inventor project for the chapters of this book using the Inventor built-in Single User Project option.

Note that it is also feasible to create a separate project for each chapter. Click New to begin the setup of a new project file. The Inventor project wizard appears on the screen; select the New Single User Project option as shown.

Click Next to proceed with the next setup option. Click Finish to proceed with the creation of the new project. Introduction The project path you entered doesn't exist. Should it be created? Cancel 7. A warning message appears on the screen, indicating the specified folder does not exist. Click OK to create the folder.

Autodesk Inventor Professional The active project cannot be changed while Inventor files are open. A second warning message appears on the screen, indicating that the newly created project cannot be made active since an Inventor file is open.

Click OK to close the message dialog box. Click Done to exit the Inventor Projects Editor option. The file specifies the paths to the folder containing the files in the project. To assure that links between files work properly, it is advised to add the locations for folders to the project file before working on model files. The word parametric means the geometric definitions of the design, such as dimensions, can be varied at any time in the design process.

Parametric modeling is accomplished by identifying and creating the key features of the design with the aid of computer software. In Autodesk Inventor, the parametric part modeling process involves the following steps: 1.

Create a rough two-dimensional sketch of the basic shape of the base feature of the design. Extrude, revolve, or sweep the parametric two-dimensional sketch to create the base solid feature of the design. Add additional parametric features by identifying feature relations and complete the design.

Perform analyses on the computer model and refine the design as needed. Create the desired drawing views to document the design. The approach of creating two-dimensional sketches of the three-dimensional features is an effective way to construct solid models. Many designs are in fact the same shape in one direction. Computer input and output devices we use today are largely two- dimensional in nature, which makes this modeling technique quite practical.

This method also conforms to the design process that helps the designer with conceptual design along with the capability to capture the design intent. Most engineers and designers can relate to the experience of making rough sketches on restaurant napkins to convey conceptual design ideas.

Autodesk Inventor provides many powerful modeling and design-tools, and there are many different approaches to accomplishing modeling tasks. The basic principle of feature-based modeling is to build models by adding simple features one at a time. In this chapter, the general parametric part modeling procedure is illustrated; a very simple solid model with extruded features is used to introduce the Autodesk Inventor user interface.

The display viewing functions and the basic two-dimensional sketching tools are also demonstrated. The Autodesk Inventor main window will appear on the screen. Select the Projects icon with a single click of the left-mouse-button. Parametric Modeling Fundamentals 3. In the Projects List, double-click on the Parametric-Modeling project name to activate the project as shown. Click Done to accept the setting and end the Projects Editor. Launch 5.

Select the New File icon with a single click of the left-mouse-button. Select the English tab as shown below. When starting a new CAD file, the first thing we should do is choose the units we would like to use. We will use the English setting 7. Select the Standard in. Pick Create in the New File dialog box to accept the selected settings.

Parametric Modeling Fundamentals Sketch Plane - It is an XY monitor, but an XYZ World Design modeling software is becoming more powerful and user friendly, yet the system still does only what the user tells it to do. When using a geometric modeler, we therefore need to have a good understanding of what its inherent limitations are. In most 3D geometric modelers, 3D objects are located and defined in what is usually called world space or global space.

Although a number of different coordinate systems can be used to create and manipulate objects in a 3D modeling system, the objects are typically defined and stored using the world space. The world space is usually a 3D Cartesian coordinate system that the user cannot change or manipulate.

In engineering designs, models can be very complex, and it would be tedious and confusing if only the world coordinate system were available. Once a local coordinate system is defined, we can then create geometry in terms of this more convenient system. Although objects are created and stored in 3D space coordinates, most of the geometric entities can be referenced using 2D Cartesian coordinate systems.

Typical input devices such as a mouse or digitizer are two-dimensional by nature; the movement of the input device is interpreted by the system in a planar sense. The same limitation is true of common output devices, such as displays and plotters.

The modeling software performs a series of three-dimensional to two-dimensional transformations to correctly project 3D objects onto the 2D display plane. The Autodesk Inventor sketching plane is a special construction approach that enables the planar nature of the 2D input devices to be directly mapped into the 3D coordinate system. The sketching plane is a local coordinate system that can be aligned to an existing face of a part, or a reference plane. Think of the sketching plane as the surface on which we can sketch the 2D sections of the parts.

It is similar to a piece of paper, a white board, or a chalkboard that can be attached to any planar surface. The first sketch we create is usually drawn on one of the established datum planes. Move the cursor over the edge of the XY Plane in the graphics area. When the XY Plane is highlighted, click once with the left-mouse-button to select the Plane as the sketch plane for the new sketch.

Note that the sketching plane can be any planar part surface or datum plane. Confirm the main Ribbon area is switched to the Sketch toolbars; this indicates we have entered the 2D Sketching mode.

Parametric Modeling Fundamentals Creating Rough Sketches Quite often during the early design stage, the shape of a design may not have any precise dimensions. Most conventional CAD systems require the user to input the precise lengths and locations of all geometric entities defining the design, which are not available during the early design stage. With parametric modeling, we can use the computer to elaborate and formulate the design idea further during the initial design stage.

With Autodesk Inventor, we can use the computer as an electronic sketchpad to help us concentrate on the formulation of forms and shapes for the design. This approach is the main advantage of parametric modeling over conventional solid-modeling techniques. As the name implies, a rough sketch is not precise at all. When sketching, we simply sketch the geometry so that it closely resembles the desired shape. Precise scale or lengths are not needed. Autodesk Inventor provides many tools to assist us in finalizing sketches.

For example, geometric entities such as horizontal and vertical lines are set automatically. However, if the rough sketches are poor, it will require much more work to generate the desired parametric sketches. Concentrate on the shapes and forms of the design. Leave out small geometry features such as fillets, rounds and chamfers. They can easily be placed using the Fillet and Chamfer commands after the parametric sketches have been established.

For example, if the desired angle is 85 degrees, create an angle that is 50 or 60 degrees. Otherwise, Autodesk Inventor might assume the intended angle to be a degree angle.

The geometry should eventually form a closed region. Self-intersecting geometry shapes are not allowed. To create a solid feature, such as an extruded solid, a closed region is required so that the extruded solid forms a 3D volume. Press FI for more help 1. Move the graphics cursor to the Line icon in the Sketch toolbar. Select the icon by clicking once with the left- mouse-button; this will activate the Line command.

Autodesk Inventor expects us to identify the starting location of a straight line. Graphics Cursors Notice the cursor changes from an arrow to a crosshair when graphical input is expected. Left-click a starting point for the shape, roughly just below the center of the graphics window. As you move the graphics cursor, you will see a digital readout next to the cursor and also in the Status Bar area at the bottom of the window.

The readout gives you the cursor location, the line length, and the angle of the line measured from horizontal. Move the cursor around and you will notice different symbols appear at different locations. This option is part of the Heads-Up Display option that is now available in Inventor. Note that Dynamic Input can be used for entering precise values, but its usage is somewhat limited in parametric modeling.

Move the graphics cursor toward the right side of the graphics window and create a horizontal line as shown below Point 2. Notice the geometric constraint symbol, a short horizontal line indicating the geometric property, is displayed. Geometric Constraint Symbols Autodesk Inventor displays different visual clues, or symbols, to show you alignments, perpendicularities, tangencies, etc. These constraints are used to capture the design intent by creating constraints where they are recognized.

Autodesk Inventor displays the governing geometric rules as models are built. To prevent constraints from forming, hold down the [Ctrl] key while creating an individual sketch curve. For example, while sketching line segments with the Line command, endpoints are joined with a Coincident constraint, but when the [Ctrl] key is pressed and held, the inferred constraint will not be created.

Complete the sketch as shown below, creating a closed region ending at the starting point Point 1. Do not be overly concerned with the actual size of the sketch. Note that all line segments are sketched horizontally or vertically. In this example, we will illustrate adding dimensions to describe the sketched entities.

Move the cursor to the Constrain toolbar area; it is the toolbar next to the 2D Draw toolbar. Note the first icon in this toolbar is the General Dimension icon.

The Dimension command is generally known as Smart Dimensioning in parametric modeling. Move the cursor on top of the Dimension icon. The Smart Dimensioning command allows us to quickly create and modify dimensions. Left-click once on the icon to activate the Dimension command. Select the bottom horizontal line by left-clicking once on the line. Move the graphics cursor below the selected line and left-click to place the dimension. Note that the value displayed on your screen might be different than what is shown in the figure above.

The General Dimension command will create a length dimension if a single line is selected. Select the top-horizontal line as shown below. Select the bottom-horizontal line as shown below. Pick the top line as the 1st geometry to dimension. Place the dimension next to the sketch.

Pick the bottom line as the 2nd geometry to dimension. Pick a location to the left of the sketch to place the dimension. Accept the default value by clicking on the Accept button.

On your own, repeat the above steps and create additional dimensions accepting the default values created by Inventor so that the sketch appears as shown. Parametric Modeling Fundamentals Dynamic Viewing Functions - Zoom and Pan Autodesk Inventor provides a special user interface called Dynamic Viewing that enables convenient viewing of the entities in the graphics window. Click on the Zoom icon located in the Navigation bar as shown. Move the cursor near the center of the graphics window.

Inside the graphics window, press and hold down the left-mouse-button, then move downward to enlarge the current display scale factor. Press the [Esc] key once to exit the Zoom command.

Click on the Pan icon located above the Zoom command in the Navigation bar. The icon is the picture of a hand. This function acts as if you are using a video camera. On your own, use the Zoom and Pan options to reposition the sketch near the center of the screen. Select the dimension that is at the bottom of the sketch by double-clicking on the dimension text.

Select this dimension to modify. In the Edit Dimension window, the current length of the line is displayed. Enter 2. Click on the Accept icon to accept the entered value. On your own, repeat the above steps and adjust the dimensions so that the sketch appears as shown.

In the Ribbon toolbar, click once with the left-mouse- button to select Finish Sketch in the Ribbon area to end the Sketch option. Extruding a 2D profile is one of the common methods that can be used to create 3D parts. We can extrude planar faces along a path. We can also specify a height value and a tapered angle. In Autodesk Inventor, each face has a positive side and a negative side; the current face we are working on is set as the default positive side. In the 3D Model tab, select the Extrude command by clicking the left-mouse-button on the icon as shown.

Parametric Modeling Fundamentals 2. In the Extrude edit box, enter 2. Notice that the sketch region is automatically selected as the extrusion profile. Click on the OK button to proceed with creating the 3D part.

All parametric definitions are stored in the Autodesk Inventor database and any of the parametric definitions can be re-displayed and edited at any time. Isometric View Autodesk Inventor provides many ways to display views of the three-dimensional design.

Several options are available that allow us to quickly view the design to track the overall effect of any changes being made to the model. We will first orient the model to display in the isometric view by using the pull-down menu. Hit the function key [F6] once to automatically adjust the display and also reset the display to the isometric view.

The Free Orbit tool is accessible while other tools are active. Autodesk Inventor remembers the last used mode when you exit the Orbit command. Click on the Free Orbit icon in the Navigation bar. Inside the circular rim, press down the left-mouse-button and drag in an arbitrary direction; the 3D Orbit command allows us to freely orbit the solid model. Move the cursor near the circular rim and notice the cursor symbol changes to a single circle.

Drag with the left-mouse-button to orbit about an axis that is perpendicular to the displayed view. Parametric Modeling Fundamentals 4. Single left-click near the top-handle to align the selected location to the center mark in the graphics window. Activate the Constrained Orbit option by clicking on the associated icon as shown. On your own, use the different options described in the above steps and familiarize yourself with both of the 3D Orbit commands.

Reset the display to the Isometric view as shown in the above figure before continuing to the next section. This is the exit marker. Left- clicking once will allow you to exit the 3D Orbit command.

This allows you to reposition the display while maintaining the same scale factor of the display. Moving upward will reduce the scale of the display, making the entities display smaller on the screen. Moving downward will magnify the scale of the display. Turning forward will reduce the scale of the display, making the entities display smaller on the screen.

Turning backward will magnify the scale of the display. Note that the 3D dynamic rotation can also be activated using the F4 function key and the left-mouse-button. Zoom Window - Use the cursor to define a region for the view; the defined region is zoomed to fill the graphics window.

Zoom - Moving upward will reduce the scale of the display, making the entities display smaller on the screen. Pan - This allows you to reposition the display while maintaining the same scale factor of the display. Zoom Selected - In a part or assembly, zooms the selected edge, feature, line, or other element to fill the graphics window. You can select the element either before or after clicking the Zoom button.

Not used in drawings. You can orbit the view planar to the screen around the center mark, around a horizontal or vertical axis, or around the X and Y axes. Look At - In a part or assembly, zooms and orbits the model to display the selected element planar to the screen or a selected edge or line horizontal to the screen.

The ViewCube is a clickable interface which allows you to switch between standard and isometric views. Once the ViewCube is displayed, it is shown in one of the comers of the graphics window over the model in an inactive state. The ViewCube also provides visual feedback about the current viewpoint of the model as view changes occur. When the cursor is positioned over the ViewCube, it becomes active and allows you to switch to one of the available preset views, roll the current view, or change to the Home view of the model.

Move the cursor over the ViewCube and notice the different sides of the ViewCube become highlighted and can be activated. Single left-click when the front side is activated as shown. The current view is set to view the front side. Single left-click to activate the counter-clockwise option as shown. The current view is orbited 90 degrees; we are still viewing the front side.

Move the cursor over the left arrow of the ViewCube and notice the orbit option becomes highlighted. Single left-click to activate the left arrow option as shown. The current view is now set to view the top side. Parametric Modeling Fundamentals Move the cursor over the top edge of the ViewCube and notice the roll option becomes highlighted. Single left-click to activate the roll option as shown.

The view will be adjusted to roll 45 degrees. Move the cursor over the ViewCube and drag with the left-mouse- button to activate the Free Rotation option. Move the cursor over the home icon of the ViewCube and notice the Home View option becomes highlighted.

Single left-click to activate the Home View option as shown. The view will be adjusted back to the default isometric view. Full Navigation Wheel — The Navigation Wheel contains tracking menus that are divided into different sections known as wedges. Each wedge on a wheel represents a single navigation tool. Metric Limits and Fits Appendix C.

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